Width in metters
House dimension
Width in metters
Height in metters
Roof slope
Tear off
Prices may vary! To get an exact quote for free, contact LPZ Plumbing & Roofing Services.
Before you use our roof repair price calculator, you should inspect your roof for leaks, dents and damages to determine the size of the area which needs to be repaired.
Please take notice that we do not recommend performing an in-depth inspection by yourself. We strongly advise you not to climb your roof in order to measure it if you have no previous experience. If you believe that your roof isn’t safe for inspection – leave that part to the professionals.
However, if you can access your roof in a safe manner, please use this checklist to determine if your roof needs repairs
If you find any of the aforementioned problems - that is a good sign that your roof needs to be repaired. Determine the damaged area and calculate the price with the help of our Roof Repair Price Calculator.
Please be advised that our calculator will give you only a rough estimate. Prices may vary depending on the quality of the material, roof complexity and accessibility. If you want an exact quote, contact LPZ now and we will provide you with an exact price right there on the spot for free.
and we will provide you with an exact price right there on the spot for free.
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We accept all major credit cards upon completion of works